After 2,000 years, the highest empowering ancient knowledge of healing from the enlightened masters has returned west.
As a Soul Doctor, Juleann is an instrument of the divine and implements the supernatural healing techniques that are the direct teachings of Jesus Christ, Buddha, and their shared east-west lineage, which includes the greatest masters on earth.

One of the goals of these practices is to awaken your soul capacity to the highest level possible. As saint Kaleshwar said, “Every soul has a divine purpose to fulfill in this life. As the soul’s capacity is awakened, that divine purpose is revealed.”

Countless people have experienced supernatural healing beyond medical science with these processes. Anything is possible! Juleann’s interest in this work was seeded when her mother was healed of cancer through these techniques via a long distance healing by the teacher who became her guru, Swamiji Sri Sai Kaleshwar, who won her heart as a result. People continue to be miraculously healed by God’s grace using these ancient healing techniques passed down through a lineage over thousands of years. You can receive a supernatural healing and even elect to attend courses in how to heal and do greater things as Jesus himself promised.

Juleann agrees with and shares the same mission with Kaleshwar who said “Every soul has the potential to reach the level of a Shirdi Baba or Jesus and contribute amazing things to the world…Everybody can do it. That’s my golden statement. That’s my mission. Everybody’s equal. What did Jesus Christ say? Who really trusts in him—they will become more powerful than him. That means all his students. Everybody’s equal.”

It is Juleann heartfelt desire to empower and inspire the co-creation of many spiritual masters. Student-ism is a type of slavery. Spiritual mastery is like learning to become your own mechanic; where if your car stops working on the road, you know how to fix it. First, one must be healed to be able to most effectively help others.

What is a Supernatural Healing?

Supernatural healing delivers the highest divine energy to your body, mind, heart and/or soul to heal problems at the root level and awaken and expand your soul to increase your abilities and help your life bloom open and be filled with divine true love, integrity, life-purpose fulfillment, internal peace and lasting happiness.

Each session is co-created to purify, balance, strengthen, and more. Here is how it works…divine supernatural healing energy is pulled through Juleann to you by your intention that is the arrow which directs the energy to you as you heartfully desire and express. It is important to not hold back but freely and truthfully express what your heart wants to receive. It is most powerful to focus the healing on one specific intention for the greatest results. During the session Juleann inwardly implements the ancient healing techniques while either doing a process long distance or if in-person, she gently places her hands on your specific chakras and/or areas of your physical body that call for healing.

When you come for a session it is advisable to ask what the three keys are to receive the highest possible healing.

Juleann offers blessings and healings in person or long distance for anything…really, anything. With the divine, all things are possible. You may be wondering how it is possible to give healing long distance. Just like you can pick up a mobile phone to call someone on the other side of the world and they answer, and you can instantaneously hear their voice and communicate due to radio frequency, sending distance healing energy works similarly except that instead of phone lines, divine energy is sent supernaturally.

You may elect to receive healing at the root level to gain relief from problems – there is hope no matter what. Do not give up. Depression, heartbreak, terminal cancers, undiagnosable and ‘incurable’ diseases that top medical doctors could not heal, PTSD, body aches and traumas, sexual harassment and abuse, sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, pregnant women with complications, (chronic) illness, fear/phobias, bad habits, migraines, anger, addictions, healing negative spirits, and emotional or mental problems have all been healed in clients who have come for supernatural healing. Tumors have disappeared, people have walked out of wheelchairs, untreatable diseases people had for decades have been healed with these supernatural techniques. These are just some of the miraculous healings that have taken place with these divine channels. Many more miracles have and continue to occur with these techniques that medical science cannot diagnose or heal.

One does not have to be “sick” to receive a supernatural healing. In fact, once one is healed, the real journey begins. People who are healed and healers come to receive transmissions of high divine energy to open their third eye and other chakras to further increase their spiritual channels and divine abilities. People who desire to connect directly with the divine are changed.

People with the highest spiritual abilities recognize this work is the real thing. Her clientele is kept strictly confidential but privately her resume includes working with global leaders, political leaders, A-list actors, producers, directors, teachers, psychologists, consultants, people hospitalized, those who are considered untreatable by medical science, and people like you. She enjoys working with the ‘toughest’ cases. To her, everyone is equal. She volunteers and serves the homeless and considers everyone important.

Though many people have received miraculous results, nothing is guaranteed. Some have experienced a miracle healing in seconds, minutes or an hour while others it was over several sessions. One thing is clear, she keeps giving healings until a miracle results as guided by her teacher. Her advice is to not give up and have faith and patience.

You are invited to come receive a supernatural healing that empowers, uplifts, transforms, helps bring enlightenment and more!

For more information, to reserve private supernatural healing or the special 9-session Womb Chakra healing series with Juleann, please call +001 310.869.4617 USA or email Juleann